Cassandra Pan was the CEO of Fenner Dunlop Americas from April 2009-September 2016. She is currently a business consultant. Pan recevied her Bachelor's Degree in International Relations from Mount Holyoke College and her Master's Degree in Business Administration from Washington University. Pan is currently a board member of WQED and a mentor at AlphaLab Gear. She can be found on LinkedIn at Pan's talk was titled "Leading a Publicly Traded Company." She discussed the challenges faced by CEOs and CFOs on a daily basis, as well as her path to becoming the CEO of Fenner Dunlop Americas. The textbook defines a publicly traded company as a company whose shares are traded on the stock exchange. Such a company must report to the Securities and Exchange Commission, SEC. The textbook states that CEOs often have to make difficult decisions or address ethical dilemmas. Pan discussed how two days were never the same in ...